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With Spring Break just around the corner, there is a major case of spring fever in our room. We have just this week left before our break and it is going to be crazy. That should really be Crazy with a capital C. Our grades are due tomorrow and we have spent the last several days giving a practice ACT Aspire test to our students. South Carolina's previous state assessment was not timed. This assessment is and it is a hard transition for us all. My littles are tested out and tired of sitting in rows and my own patience with this is hanging on by a thread. Isn't this time of year exhausting?
Do your students have a bad case of Spring Fever this year? How do you handle it? We are going to do our best to get through this coming week and then when we return from spring break, we will go back to the basics. We will re-emphasize our expectations for everything from work ethic in centers to homework to behavior. We all need a refresher every now and then, right?
Our big event of the coming week is our writing workshop publishing celebration. We have invited our administrators and the district superintendent to share our opinion writing pieces with us on Thursday and it is going to be awesome. Our school's reading coach has been team teaching this unit with me, which has been amazing, and we are using it to try to pitch Lucy Calkins' writing workshop to our school. What a great way to end our time together before Spring Break with an author's share!